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KV při WDS v Bratislavě

Club Show Bratislava 10/09 (WDS) Club Show Bratislava (WDS) 10/09 Club Show Bratislava (WDS) 10/09 Club Show Bratislava (WDS) 10/09 Club Show Bratislava (WDS) 10/09 Cllub Show Bratislava (WDS) 10/09 Club Show Bratislava (WDS) 10/09 Club Show Bratislava (WDS) 10/09 Club Show Bratislava (WDS) 10/09
ATI and ARCHIE ( Argo) -  3,5 months old  ! Argi  ( 6 months old ) and Aida WORLD DOG SHOW 2010 (HERNING) -  AIDA between TOP 8 of 20 champion bitches !! AIDA ( mother ) and ARGI ( 6 months old ) CAC KREFELD (D)  9/12 - ARGO (inter. ) - Exc. 2, res. CAC VDH/ res.CAC Club VEJLE 6/10 ( Denmark ) ANDINO DI ASSONANZA ( 10 months old ) ARGO DI ASSONANZA ( 8 months old ) ATILLIO VISITED HIS 12 PUPPIES in GERMANY !! AMIA DI ASSONANZA ( 4,5 months old ) - holidays with her family :-)